Gift Deed is a document that transfers property to another owner as a gift. A Gift Deed is valid only when it is without any consideration in return by one family member/ friend to another. It is mandatory to register Gift Deed, according to Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908.

Can Gift Deed property be sold? Yes, the property received under Gift Deed can be sold. Provided, that you have received the property under registered Gift Deed without any condition attached. … However, in the case of the registered Gift Deed, donor and donee both need to acquiesce for revocation.

As per the Transfer of Property Act, the transfer of a house property under a gift, has to be effected by a registered instrument/document, signed by or on behalf of the person gifting the property and should also be attested by at least two witnesses.

A gift deed can be challenged in court on the basis of its legality subject to the law of limitation and proof of its illegality.

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